Within the framework of the NODO Project, of the UN Resident Coordinator Office in Chile, lead by UNDP Chile, participation of FAO Chile, the International Labour Organization, and support from SENAMA, a set of publications in printed and digital format will be presented during May 2021, gathered under the seal of NODO SERIES 60+, an unprecedented initiative in the field of older persons due to its thematic and institutional scale.
The series consists of 7 publications that offer statistical reports, demographic studies and insights on public policy tools, as well as stories, interviews and profiles about older persons in Chile, representing the national reality of this population group, observing the situations both before and during the pandemic by COVID-19, and at a local and global level.
Based on the experience of an interdisciplinary research group, the series offers a broad look at the world of the elderly, through some of the most relevant areas of development, considering the current scenario: unpaid work and care; habits and challenges in the pandemic; situation in rural environments; perspectives on gender equality and human rights, among other topics.
NODO SERIES 60+ will be launched during April (Spanish) and May (English) 2021, and will include the following titles, which will be available at various sites of the United Nations System in Chile and globally:
- Emergency Platform Stories. Experiencing Challenges and response to the pandemic.
- Behaviors and Needs of Older Persons during COVID Pandemic. Situational challenges in Chile.
- Older Persons and Unpaid Work in Chile. Economic perspective and valuation.
- Older Persons and Territories. Innovation and local leadership in Chile.
- 12 Older Voices. Conversations on Human Rights, Gender Equality and Sustainable Development.
- Good Practices in Gender and Human Rights. Guidelines for inclusive management.
- Rural Communities and Enviroments in Chile. An exploration on older population