Credits @Curt Carnemark / World Bank
Published on May 21, 2020

Partners Meeting: Making Social Protection Work for Women in Mexico

The programme recognizes that Mexican women face huge barriers to access social protection, especially those groups of women that still are not legally included in fully-fledged social protection such as domestic and women temporary agricultural workers, thus exacerbating their vulnerability. If the existent policies and legislation are strengthened in order to protect women, especially those in more vulnerable situations; if more key stakeholders gain the necessary knowledge and skills about social protection relevance and programme management; and if incentives are set to promote workers’ affiliation to social protection; then access to adequate social protection and care services for women in Mexico will substantially increase, closing the gaps that currently exist for their full incorporation to the formal economy and fulfillment of their rights.



  • Meeting with institutional actors to follow up on social protection proposals on the local government agenda. The objective of these actions is to install an institutional mechanism to map the programs under implementation and promote comprehensive improvements in favor of temporary agricultural workers in the Oaxaca-Jalisco route. (Reunion con CNSNE)



  • Dialogue with actors from organized civil society to liaise with women in the communities and regions of expulsion, as well as in areas where migrant labor is received. Work with the National Network of Agricultural Workers for actions in the field and the dialogues with employers through the Agricultural Council of Jalisco as allies of the project. (Grupo focal Jalisco 1-3)


Differently from conventional approaches, the programme will have strong local elements working in parallel at national level in five states, Mexico City, State of Mexico, Oaxaca, Jalisco and Chiapas, and in at least one municipality in the country, Iztapalapa, Mexico City. This approach will support the policy proposals and effective implementation at local level, offering the opportunity to replicate them in other states following the evaluation of the results collected.