Credits UNDP Costa Rica
Published on February 4, 2021

They launch a call for non-reimbursable funds to finance socio-productive initiatives of women in the canton of Puntarenas

Joint Program seeks to contribute to the generation of employment, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship of women in conditions of poverty and socioeconomic vulnerability.


What is the Joint Program?

The Joint Program: Strengthening the Bridge to Development Strategy aims to strengthen the institutional and inter-institutional articulation of the social protection system to contribute to the generation of employment opportunities, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship for women living in poverty and living in conditions of poverty. socioeconomic vulnerability. This call for seed capital funds is aimed at strengthening business ideas or socio-productive initiatives of organizations that contribute to the empowerment and economic autonomy of women, through solutions based on nature in the canton of Puntarenas.


It is important to consider that ...

For the process of convening and selecting socio-productive initiatives, the PC uses a decentralized, transparent and participatory approach. The Joint Program will select the socio-productive initiatives that have a significant potential impact on:

  1. The generation of employment opportunities for women in conditions of poverty and socioeconomic vulnerability who reside in the canton of Puntarenas.
  2. The strengthening of enterprises and companies of women in poverty and socioeconomic vulnerability who reside in the canton of Puntarenas.  
  3. The development of sustainable productive initiatives that enhance the economic autonomy of women, innovation and the responsible use of natural resources, for the benefit of the communities and biodiversity of the canton of Puntarenas.

Before completing the call form for the socio-productive initiatives to be submitted to the Joint Program, make sure that your organization meets the following three requirements:

  1. The proposed project meets the objectives of the Joint Program and the activities will be developed within the themes prioritized by the Joint Program: gender equality and nature-based solutions[one].  
  2. The proposed project is located within the specific geographic area defined for this phase: Puntarenas canton.
  3. The execution time of the funds allocated by the Joint Program for the development of the socio-productive initiative must be carried out before October 29, 2021.

If your socio-productive initiative meets the above requirements, then you can present it to the PC. Take into consideration the following stages of the call process.


Stages of the call process:

 1. Complete and submit the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE form

The SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE form is a document in which the proposal of the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE is explained, without defining specific details. It is used to communicate to the Joint Program about the objective of the initiative and whether it is related to the objectives sought by the Joint Program.

To complete the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE form, we recommend that you take into account the following tips:

a. Your initiative must respond to local priorities and needs and demonstrate that there has been community participation, mostly women from the community, in identifying the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE.

b. The maximum amount of financing per project is US $ 10,000 USD.

c. The Joint Program requires that, similar to the amount of financing requested, there be co-financing by the beneficiary organization. This co-financing can be in kind or with funds that will be invested in the activities associated with the development of the PRODUCTIVE INITITIVE. 

d. The Joint Program does not finance the payment of salaries, the purchase of vehicles, or the purchase of land. For this reason, if the project activities include the construction of infrastructure, the organization must have land in its name, or failing that, with a concession of no less than 15 years.

and. The Joint Program requests that the labor and operating expenses be a contribution from the organization requesting the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE; however, within budget, costs related to project monitoring, monitoring and evaluation are accepted.

F. The form can be filled out online and can also be downloaded, and must be sent to the email convocatoria.sdgf [at] (convocatoria[dot]sdgf[at]undp[dot]org) . (For more details see the document "Guide to complete the form")



2. First review of the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE by the Evaluation Committee

The SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE form is reviewed and analyzed by the Evaluation Committee of the Joint Program. If the profile is approved, members of the Joint Program will visit the Initiative site or virtual consultations will be made with the requesting organization to see some of the issues related to the proposed idea and administrative aspects.

In this process, the PC can suggest improvements to the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE. According to the result of the visit, the presentation of the Project Proposal of the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE will be requested, starting the second stage of the process.


3. Presentation of the project proposal of the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE

The project proposal of the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE is a broader and more extensive document that seeks to specify the objectives, results, indicators and the activities associated with that of the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE presented to the Joint Program.

The document must be prepared using the logical framework as a tool, which allows the results of the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE to be verified and analyzed in a more systematic way. The Joint Program can support the applicant organization by offering suggestions or recommendations so that the document meets all the established requirements, before it is reviewed and analyzed by the Joint Program Evaluation Committee.


4. Review of the project proposal of the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE by the Evaluation Committee and notifications

The SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE project proposal document is sent to the Evaluation Committee for analysis. This Committee may provide a resolution of the analysis that may be:

  • Approval of the project of the socio-productive initiative, so that activities begin.
  • Ask the organization to reformulate the proposal or make some improvements to it.
  • Make a negative resolution of the proposal of the socio-productive initiative, which would end the process.


5. Signature of the Memorandum of Agreement

The formalization of the donation or seed capital is carried out by signing a Memorandum of Agreement, which stipulates the responsibilities and rights of the beneficiary organization, as well as the projection of the delivery of reports and disbursements.

During the entire execution of the SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INITIATIVE project, the Joint Program will accompany and monitor the activities and the achievement of results, indicators and objectives, in accordance with what was stipulated in the approved socio-productive initiative document.

Through field visits, by telephone or in writing, and meetings with the organization, the Joint Program will provide support to the organization that allows the best fulfillment of the objectives, as well as to incorporate the necessary changes in emergent situations.