Tokelau is on track to complete its first Blue Economy Roadmap 2025-2030, following a December 2023 field visit and consultations held with stakeholders and the taupulega of the three atolls – Atafu, Nukunonu and Fakaofo.
Specific meetings and working sessions were held with the Government of Tokelau’s key departments, particularly the Ministry of Climate, Ocean and Resilience (MiCORE), the Department of Economic Development, Natural Resources and Environment (EDNRE) and the Tokelau Fisheries Management Agency (FMA). The latter included inputs from fisheries advisors to complete the offshore fisheries component, administered by New Zealand.

“The Blue Economy Roadmap is crucial for Tokelau's sustainable development, particularly given its reliance on marine resources. Tokelau's small size and remote location make it especially vulnerable to environmental changes and resource depletion. By embracing the principles of the Blue Economy, Tokelau can ensure that its food supplies and potential ocean-based industries, such as fishing and tourism, are managed in a way that preserves the health of marine ecosystems while also fostering economic growth and resilience. It's about long-term planning and commitment to creating a future where Tokelauans can thrive while safeguarding their unique natural environment,” said Asi Fangalua Halaleva-Pasilio, Director, Department of EDNRE, Government of Tokelau.
The second draft of the Roadmap, one of the three components of the Joint SDG Fund project for Small Island Developing States, implemented in partnership with UNICEF and FAO to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals in Tokelau, was reviewed during a meeting at Conservation International last week.
“The people of Tokelau have shared their views and aspirations to guide the Roadmap, and we are working closely with the Government and partners to ensure this is done. We were hoping to be back in Tokelau to share the progress, however, current constraints on transportation renders this impossible but we are utilizing the opportunities afforded by technology to still connect and liaise closely with the people and the taupulega to review and finalise the Roadmap soon,” said Leausalilo Leilani Duffy Iosefa, CI Samoa Director.
The second draft shared with Tokelau provided a stocktake of the marine sectors that included a review of fisheries, aquaculture, maritime and coastal tourism, shipping, ports and marinas, renewable energy and marine conservation. Based on this assessment, the taupulega formed a vision across Blue Economy focal components, their goals to be achieved by 2030, and their priority solutions.
“We acknowledge the progress made by the team at Conservation International in engaging with the Government of Tokelau, the three atolls’ taupulega and people of Tokelau with the objective of developing this Roadmap to assist in the inclusive conservation and management of marine resources to benefit first and foremost the local economy, and ensure no-one is left behind in the process,” said Aliona Niculita, UNDP Resident Representative.
The working session reviewed and agreed on the workplan and schedule for Conservation International to complete the remaining tasks. These include final consultations and validation with the taupulega of each atoll, final edits and formatting of the Roadmap, its translation to the Tokelauan language, and finally, the publication and launch of the Tokelau Blue Economy Roadmap and Action Plan 2025-2030.
Originally published by UNDP Samoa
All joint programs of the Joint SDG Fund are led by UN Resident Coordinators and implemented by the agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations development system. With sincere appreciation for the contributions from the European Union and Governments of Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and our private sector funding partners, for a transformative movement towards achieving the SDGs by 2030.