Published on May 16, 2024

Young Fijians gain vital work experience through Student Employment Exposure Program

SUVA (ILO News) – Young Fijians will gain the experience they need to bridge the gap between education and employment following the launch of the Student Employment Exposure Program (SEEP) on 3 May 2024.

SEEP is a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Employment, Productivity & Industrial Relations’ National Employment Centre, the International Labour Organization (ILO), Fiji Commerce & Employers Federation (FCEF), and the Ministry of Education.

It will provide 500 secondary school students with placements in various workplaces for two-week attachments during the school holidays. Participants will receive a weekly allowance of US$ 100, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their participation. In the initial phase, the initiative will focus on the Central Division geographical region of the island.

In addition to jobplacements, SEEP will also include training and activities designed to enhance employment skills and readiness. By equipping young Fijians with marketable tools and knowledge, they will be empowered to thrive in a competitive job market.

Looking ahead, SEEP will continue to expand its reach, with plans to conduct programmes in the Western and Northern Divisions in the coming school terms.

Hon. Agni Deo Singh, Minister for Employment, Ministry of Employment, Productivity, and Industrial Relations and Hon. Aseri Radrodro, Minister for Education, Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts presided over the launch. Joining them at the Suva Civic Centre Auditorium were Jonetani Tonawai, CEO, Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation and Christian Viegelahn, Employment Specialist, ILO as well as many of the students participating in the initiative.

“We are committed to creating more opportunities for young people aged 15 to 24 to transition seamlessly from education to productive employment. Through SEEP, students will gain first-hand experience of the labour market, acquire important skills, and develop new perspectives. This hands-on experience is invaluable in preparing youth for the demands of the modern workforce,” Mr Viegelahn said.

The ILO is supporting SEEP through the joint programme on Advancing the SDGs by Improving Livelihoods and Resilience via Economic Diversification and Digital Transformation.


Originally published by ILO



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