

SDG Finance - Catalytic Investment

Championing the World’s first Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Development Impact Bond in Kenya

Brief Description

A transformative digital platform that connects Kenyan girls to sexual and reproductive healthcare services, including HIV testing will be scaled up thanks to consequential result-based payment schemes, from development impact bonds to public budget integration.


In Kenya, 42% of new HIV infections are in adolescents aged 15 - 24. One in 5 adolescent girls is either pregnant or already has a child, with an estimated 330,000 girls becoming pregnant each year. Teen pregnancy and HIV are major drivers of adolescent mortality and result in a lifetime of missed education and employment. These problems are further compounded by inadequate investments in adolescent sexual and reproductive health programmes.


An innovative platform and related services that connects adolescent girls to sexual and reproductive health services and incentivizing them to seek care will be integrated in the national health system. By the end of the programme, an estimated 151,000 adolescents are expected to receive sexual and reproductive health services each year. In addition, the programme aims to provide over 25,000 HIV tests to adolescents each year, with a target of 97% of positive adolescents receiving treatment. In addition, the programme aims to connect adolescents to at least 300 health service providers, and train 500 healthcare workers in providing sexual and reproductive healthcare services to adolescents.


The programme will scale up the In Their Hands programme, an innovative digital platform that links adolescents with health services, allows them to rate service providers, and provides incentives for seeking care, including rewards points which can be redeemed at local retailers. A development impact bond will be used to transition In Their Hands from an international donor funded programme that provides access to primarily private healthcare service providers, to a sustainable government initiative that allows girls to seek care from both private and public service providers. This development impact bond, building on lessons learned from Kenya's first adolescent sexual and reproductive health development impact bond, aims to raise US$16 million to finance the scaling up and transition of the In Their Hands programme.


A pilot development impact bond has provided the initial blueprint and budget for the digital services platform. The final structuring of a second development impact bond is ongoing along with an ambitious plan to integrate a result based scheme in the national health budget.


Quick facts

Allocated by Joint SDG Fund:
7,100,000 USD

13,901,988 USD

Total Funding:
21,001,988 USD

Financial Leverage:
18,351,988 USD

UN Agencies:

UNFPA, UNAIDS, WHO, United Nations Kenya

National Partners:

in their hands, Triggerise, CIFF, SDG Partnership Platform, avpa, Johnson & Johnson, Rockefeller Foundation, Philips, Takeda, AstraZeneca, Hilton C. Foundation, Ford Foundation, Huawei, McKinsey & Company, Merck, Government of the Netherlands, Government of Kenya, Government of Switzerland, Government of Sweden, Government of Finland, Kenya Health Care Federation, Biodiversity & Climate Fund