Strengthening National and Subnational Capacity for Sustainable Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Maldives
The SDGs are integrated into the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) of the Government of Maldives (the Maldives medium term national development plan). The Maldives, as a low-lying island nation, is among the most vulnerable countries in the world with respect to the impacts of climate change and natural disasters and virtually every aspect of socioeconomic development in the island nation is impacted by the negative impacts of climate change and disasters. Despite this vulnerability, there is limited practice of holistic and risk-informed development and sectoral planning. It is expected that the JP will generate long term development benefits to vulnerable population groups; in particular women, unemployed and at-risk young men and women, migrant labour, older persons, children, persons with disabilities and populations living in remote communities with high exposure to climate induced disasters.
The joint programme aims to create an enabling environment for disaster risk reductive and climate change adaptation, implementing regulations, national-subnational institutional coordination mechanisms, and island level standard operating procedures and capacities to operationalize the Maldives vision for locally driven resilience building. The JP will have an impact on the achievement of SDGs by streamlining DRR and CCA mandates to enable a more coherent evidenced based policy making and by creating an enabling environment for such activities in a sustainable manner.
Direct Influence
Women, Girls, Youth. Indirect Influence: Children, Persons with disabilities, Older persons, Rural workers, Migrants.
Quick facts
Total budget:
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UN Agencies:
National Partners:
National authorities: Ministry of Foreign Affairs; National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA); Ministry of National Planning Housing and Infrastructure (MNPHI); Ministry of Finance (MOF); Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology (MECCT); Maldives Bureau of Statistics (MBS); Local Government Authority (LGA); Ministry of Gender, Family & Social Services; Maldives Meteorological Service (MMS). Civil society organizations: Maldives Red Crescent (MRC). Private sector: IFIs.