Roadmap for an Inclusive Sustainable Development Goals Financing Framework
Brief Description
Building upon Morocco's Government Program 2016-2021, a 2030 National Sustainable Development Strategy in 2016 and a financial inclusion strategy in 2019, the Joint Programme ultimately aims at supporting the development of a gender responsive Inclusive National Financing Framework to support and accelerate the implementation of national SDG priorities. A particular focus will be on human capital development and socio-economic inclusion. The program will also contribute to strengthen multi-stakeholder dialogues and build new constituencies on SDG financing priorities and modalities.
The transformational nature of the JP arises from the fact that it is built on a Government led strategies. This will the first time that the government adopts cross-departmental resultbased budgeting with a portfolio approach under the new organic law on the finance act. In this regard, the UNJP combines the support to the development of an inclusive financial framework and leverage additional financing through blending public sector budget, ODA and innovative sources, in partnership with the private sector, focusing on resilience, social protection and universal health care, and poverty alleviation through financial inclusion of marginalized populations (women, children, rural youth and others) and small businesses.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administration Reform, Ministry of Health, Ministry of State in charge of Human Rights and Relations with Parliament, High Commission for Planning, The Central Bank
Financial Information