Piloting the Measurement of SDG Indicator 5.4.1 in Grenada Using the Labour Force Survey

This report documents the experience of piloting three stylized retrospective questions on unpaid domestic and care work in the Grenada Labour Force Survey (LFS) to generate Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 5.4.1, i.e., proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location. The approach for the collection of data is based on the proposal set forward in Producing SDG Indicator 5.4.1: Guidance For Caribbean Countries | UN Women – Multi-Country Office – Caribbean, which recommends integrating a small set of stylized retrospective questions into the Household and Population Census (HPC).
More specifically, this report describes the training of interviewers and pretesting of the questions, as well as piloting of the questions and results of an assessment of pilot data. It also identifies recommendations for the administration of stylized retrospective questions on unpaid domestic and care work in the Grenada LFS. The UN Women Multi-Country Office – Caribbean (MCO Caribbean) supported the development of this census-based approach to the measurement of SDG Indicator 5.4.1 in the Caribbean.
The study was carried out with funding support by UN Women and the Joint SDG Fund.
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Bibliographic information
Geographic coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean Grenada
Subject areas: Gender equality and women’s empowerment Unpaid work
Resource type(s): Case studies Research papers
UN Women office publishing: Multi-Country Office – Caribbean
Publishing entity/ies: United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)