Accelerating SDG Achievement in Tokelau through integrated policy solutions
This Joint Programme is focused on enabling cohesive, gender-responsive and integrated policy frameworks that benefit young boys and girls, women and families, especially the most vulnerable, thereby achieving the national and 2030 SDG agenda. The focus is on the earliest of years as evidence shows this is where interventions make the most impact. Overall, the interventions will provide more efficient service delivery for young children, women and other vulnerable populations, improve nutrition outcomes and enhance food and nutrition security and foster climate-resilient livelihoods and ecosystem services management. The JP outcome is aligned with the outcomes of the United Nations Pacific Strategy 2018-2022. The JP will directly contribute towards Outcomes on climate change, gender empowerment, equitable and inclusive basic services, governance and community engagement. The JP’s main impact will be in providing Tokelau with the platform/strategy to sustainably manage, protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems (SDG 14) and develop a blue economy through sustainable management of inshore and offshore fisheries, and other marine resources, with the support of UNDP.
The JP seeks to deliver evidence-based integrated costed policy solutions developed to build the resilience of social systems (education, health and nutrition, social protection, and food security); seeks to create policies, guidelines and capacity developed in nutrition and agri-food systems which will improve nutrition, reduce diet-related diseases, and strengthen disaster-resilience capacities, especially for vulnerable populations; and assists in the creation of a sustainable atoll ecosystems and ocean management strategy, enhancing and building the foundation for resilient systems for health, nutrition and food security, while incorporating traditional and intergenerational knowledge in the mapping of the ecosystems and social resilience interface.
Direct Influence
Women, Children, Girls, Youth, Persons with disabilities
Quick facts
Total budget:
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UN Agencies:
National Partners:
National authorities: Office of the Council; Office of Administrator; Department of Health; Department of Education; Department of Economic Development; Department of Natural Resources and Environment; Ministry of Climate, Oceans and Resilience (MiCORE). Inter-governmental organizations: Pacific Island Forum Secretariat; Social Inclusion Advisor. Civil society organizations: Conservation International (CI). IFIs: International Fund for Agricultural Development; Other partners: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).