

Integrated Policy

A progressive pathway towards a Universal Social Protection System in Kenya to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs

Universal Social Protection, Kenya

The programme brief description

Universal Social Protection is an innovative programme that supports Government of Kenya (GoK) move from a poverty-based targeting, that excludes 78% of vulnerable population to a more inclusive approach to social protection. It assists GoK to achieve the commitments captured in its recently updated Social Protection Policy. USP strengthen the enabling environment for greater integration of social protection with economic and social services and work with the GoK to create design options for fiscally affordable roll out of USP. The programme has a strong emphasis on Government leadership through engagement across several ministries. Through the SDG Partnership Platform, the programme will develop strategic linkages with relevant private sector stakeholders to explore financing options including more efficient use of current resources and options for greater engagement of private sector partners in the social protection landscape. USP efforts are aimed at facilitating the acceleration of progress towards achieving the SDGs in Kenya and will also make a strategic contribution towards the GoK’s National Big Four Agenda through the lens of Food Security.


The Theory of Change for USP is based on the UNDAF results framework and consultations with the GoK, employer organizations and trade unions. USP will accelerate the existing work of the UNCT in support of UNDAF Outcome 2.6 and its corresponding outputs. Through intensifying efforts across a range of national social protection result areas and multiple targets across five SDGs, this programme seeks to address critical barriers to the realization of universal access to social protection in Kenya. It will do this through improving the enabling environment, developing evidence-based and gender responsive policy, strategies and legal frameworks with sustainable financing options that demonstrate that universal social protection is a valuable and achievable investment for the future of the country.

Target groups

The marginalised and vulnerable groups including women, children, girls, youth, persons with disabilities, older persons, rural workers, persons affected by (HIV/AIDs, Leprosy)

Quick facts

Total budget:
US $3,300,000

UN Agencies:


National Partners:

Government of Kenya including: National and County Government, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Ministry of Labour & Social Protection, Directorate of Social Protection, Directorate of Social Assistance, SP Secretariat, Department of Social Services, NHIF, NSSF, National Council for People with Disabilities, National Treasury & Planning, Ministry of Interior & Coordination of National Government, Ministry of Devolution and ASALs, NDMA, Ministry of Agriculture and COTU-K

January 15, 2020 to September 15, 2022 (32 months)

Financial Information