Activate! Integrated Social Protection and Employment to Accelerate Progress for Young People in Montenegro
The programme brief description
The JP aims to enhance the capacities of the social protection system to better serve people in need. It focuses on youth, children, migrants and refugees, and addresses root causes of human trafficking, while supporting decent work and employability/skills development. Innovation is used as a key change strategy: the programme applies advanced methodologies (foresight, human-centered design, policy simulation tools, etc.) in order to improve targeting, expand coverage, and address adequacy of social protection, but also activate Montenegro’s youth who are currently not in education, employment or training (NEET) and other vulnerable and marginalized groups through enhanced labour activation.
The expectation is that, by 2022, transformative policy tools will be developed, which have the potential to be replicated across policy areas and scaled up by the Government. These tools will simulate policy impact to ensure effective social protection which, provided there is political commitment, could result in reducing poverty rate by 3 percentage points. More people, and youth in particular, will be reached through labour activation services: these services will be co-designed with the target beneficiaries and will therefore address their unique needs. Consequently, previously inactive youth will become contributors to the state budget, instead of recipients of social assistance.
Target groups
Women, children, girls, youth, persons with disabilities, minorities, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, internally displaced persons, stateless persons, victims of slavery, torture, trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare; Employment Agency of Montenegro; Ministry of Interior; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Health; MONSTAT; Ministry of Sports and Youth; Ministry of Finance; Centres for Social Work; Office of National Coordinator for Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings
Financial Information