An Integrated and Universal Social Protection Linked to Developmental Social Welfare Services in South Africa
The programme brief description
The Joint Programme (JP) seeks to address exclusion from existing provisions of social protection programmes and advocates for a comprehensive and inclusive system that leaves no one behind. It therefore aims to: (i) develop feasible options to cover the most glaring social protection gap (the provision of income security for those between the ages of 18 and 59 years) and support the process of building consensus on a nationally defined Social Protection Floor (NSPF); (ii) establish social insurance schemes for women in the informal sector, particularly in rural areas; and (iii) support the development and financing of a new strengthened welfare services delivery model and its linkages to social grants; and (vi) establish a Joint Programme Management structure to oversee and monitor the implementation of the Joint Programme (JP) and present regular progress and monitoring reports.
The expected outputs for the identified focal areas will include among others unpacking of a social protection floor, its measurement and costing, and building consensus on a NSPF. The programme will also be exploring feasible options for social assistance (Basic income grant) for 18 to 59 years old by the end of the JP, costing implementation approaches suitable to the country’s context. In addition, the JP will have explored local and international options for a package of social insurance measures for women in the informal sector, cost the scheme options and propose feasible and sustainable scheme and delivery modalities and seek consensus positions in the second year. Finally, the JP will provide support for review of the policies and regulatory frameworks for a new social welfare services delivery model, cost the gaps and propose implementation modalities for consideration.
Target groups
Women, children, girls, youth, persons with disabilities, older persons, rural workers, migrants.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
National Department of Social Development; Department for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation; National Treasury; Statistics South Africa; South African Human Rights Commission; Department of Employment and Labour; National Planning Commission
Financial Information