Joint Programme on Economic and Financial Management Integration for the Achievement of SDGs
Brief description
The Joint Programme will enable the government to realize its National Strategic Development Plan II (NSDP) objectives by helping the country unlock opportunities to fast track implementation of a government programme, Economic Labs, towards mobilizing large scale private investments into Lesotho. In line with priorities of the NSDP, the programme aims to support the Government of Lesotho to achieve private sector-led economic growth and employment creation by facilitating creation of conducive policy environment, strengthening public financial management (PFM) processes, providing platforms for dialogue and generating evidence for private–public collaboration.
The JP will consolidate the results made by the GoL and her partners in promoting a transparent and equitable PFM ecosystem through three interlinked programme outputs: (a) implement a gender-sensitive Integrated National Financial Framework (INFF) to preserve fiscal sustainability and stimulate partnership, (b) improve transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of public investment programmes through the strengthening of the capacity of public personnel, and (c) establish a policy framework that fosters dialogue on shared value amongst the government, CSOs, parliament, and private sector to maximize synergy effects and results during implementation of future investments.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Ministry of Development Planning
Financial Information