Gani Sari lives in Laktesh, another Velçan village nearing complete abandonment. In addition to the family’s poverty, Gani also suffers from many health issues. On top of it all, Gani’s house is old and lacks running water. The lack of such a basic need forces Gani to go to the opposite side of the village and get water supply from another family.
Gani has suffered from obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure for many years. All these threatening conditions have also caused him walking difficulties. It was only after applying the diet advice on diabetes that he began to take control of his weight and move around more.
Similarly to Jollë Village, Laktesh also lacks a health center, while the family mainly lives on assistance that does not exceed 6000 ALL/month. This amount is supposed to take care of Gani’s health conditions, but, instead, it is used to cover many other family costs first.
How to come to the aid of remote communities?
In order to prioritize this problem causing Adelina, Gani, and other vulnerable members from the remotest mountainous areas of Pogradec, insecurities daily, a mobile healthcare and social services model is being piloted. This intervention is supported by UNDP in the context of a Joint United Nations Programme “Improving Municipal Social Protection Service Delivery”. The Programme is funded by the Joint SDG Fund and implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, World Health Organization in Albania and UN Women in partnership with the “Diakonia” foundation and Pogradec Municipality.