Closing Gaps: Making Social Protection Work for Women in Mexico
The programme brief description
The programme recognizes that Mexican women face huge barriers to access social protection, especially those groups of women that still are not legally included in fully-fledged social protection such as domestic and women temporary agricultural workers, thus exacerbating their vulnerability. If the existent policies and legislation are strengthened in order to protect women, especially those in more vulnerable situations; if more key stakeholders gain the necessary knowledge and skills about social protection relevance and programme management; and if incentives are set to promote workers’ affiliation to social protection; then access to adequate social protection and care services for women in Mexico will substantially increase, closing the gaps that currently exist for their full incorporation to the formal economy and fulfillment of their rights.
Differently from conventional approaches, the programme will have strong local elements, working in parallel at national level, in five states (Mexico City, State of Mexico, Oaxaca, Jalisco and Chiapas) and in at least one municipality in the country (Iztapalapa, Mexico City). This approach will support the policy proposals and effective implementation at local level, offering the opportunity to replicate them in other states following the evaluation of the results collected.
Target groups
The target groups are particularly women in situations of exclusion, including domestic workers and women temporary agricultural workers at national level.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
ILO, UN Women, FAO
National Partners:
Presidency Office, through the National Council for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; INMUJERES (National Institute for Women); IMSS (Mexican Institute for Social Security); INPI (National Institute for Indigenous Population); STPS (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection); BIENESTAR (Ministry of Welfare); CONAPRED (National Council for the Prevention of Discrimination); Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; ICAT (Workers' Training Institute), Mexico City; Ministry of Women ́s Affairs (Mexico City); STYFE (Secretary of Labour and Employment Promotion, Mexico City); STPS (Secretary of Labour and Social Protection, Jalisco State); Secretariat of Substantive Equality between Women and Men, State of Jalisco; SEDECO (Secretary of Economic Development, Mexico, City); Secretary of Economy (State of Oaxaca); Secretary of Economy and Labour (State of Chiapas); Secretary of Women's Affairs (State of Oaxaca); Secretary of Social Development (State of Oaxaca); Secretary of Women’s Affairs (State of Chiapas)
Financial Information