Europe and Central Asia


SDG Finance - Enabling Environment

INFF: Developing Financing Partnerships to Accelerate SDG Achievements in Malaysia

Total funding allocated
SDG Finance - Enabling Environment
US $ 999545
Co-funding by UN agencies
SDG Finance - Enabling Environment
US $ 600000

Brief description

With a number of fiscal and non-fiscal challenges such as adverse impacts on GDP and income from COVID-19 emerging, Malaysia seeks to adopt new and innovative methods to mobilize greater scale and mix of financing. Through the Joint Programme (JP), the start of the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV2030) era and the 12th Malaysia Plan (2020 – 2025) provides a timely opportunity for Malaysia to review its SDG strategies, enabled by a financing strategy that involves public and private sector participation undertaking the necessary investments or financing strategies aligned to the SDGs’ goal-by-goal or by thematic areas.


The JP is critical in ensuring that Malaysia’s SDG implementation plans are not compromised even as the country is faced with multiple external and internal headwinds. It aims to support the strengthening of the national SDG financing architecture by (a) supporting the development of the national SDG Roadmap 2020-2025 and associated monitoring framework and evaluation strategy; (b) undertaking a development finance landscape analysis, (c) developing costing tools SDGs for Malaysia and for budget tracking; and (d) developing a national SDG Financing Strategy.

Quick facts

Total budget:
US $ 1,599,545

UN Agencies:


National Partners:

Economic Planning Unit

Jul 2020 - June 2022

Financial Information