Resilient Caribbean
Small Island Developing States face limited capacity and resources to extend social protection to socially excluded households and introduce shock-responsiveness, whilst integrating social protection and skills development to reduce vulnerabilities and create opportunities for socio-economic inclusion. Common challenges include limited contributory social protection reach and sectoral coverage; lack of coherent and gender-responsive labour market programming; a high number of workers in the informal sector and therefore with few protections; and limited coverage and forward-looking social protection programming that accurately assesses, prevents and responds to the risks associated with climate change.
The present joint programme contributes in Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis and through the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission to foster sectoral collaboration and reinforce mutually reinforcing linkages between the following priority areas:
- Reduce vulnerabilities of households through the enhancement of social protection mechanisms (both contributory and non-contributory) so they are increasingly able to effectively prevent, withstand and respond to climatic, public health and economic-related risks and crises;
- Support access of workers in the informal economy (particularly young workers) to a package of incentives that facilitates access to social security coverage and supports the transition to formal employment;
- Empower youth to enter the labour market though access to entrepreneurship and skills development relevant to a just transition.
The joint programme will be expanding and systematizing innovations that were successfully piloted during recent emergencies (e.g., digitization of registration processes, online learning opportunities, use of two-way communication tools for enhanced accountability of interventions) and testing new ideas (e.g., youth innovation lab, financing), based on lessons learned and policy accelerators identified in each country to support “quick wins”. The joint programme will provide policy support and utilise research, analysis, monitoring and evaluation to support evidence-based programming, while leveraging new technologies and supporting the digitization of data systems.
Direct Influence
Women, children, youth, persons with disabilities, older persons, human rights defenders, rural workers, migrants, persons of African descent. Indirect Influence: Girls, LGBTI persons, persons living with HIV & AIDS.
Quick facts
Total budget:
Total Funding:
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Anguilla: Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Labour, Information, Broadcasting and Physical Planning; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Social Development, Education, and Library; Social Security Board of Anguilla; Department of Youth and Culture; Training Centres
British Virgin Islands: Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour, and Immigration; Premier’s Office; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Health and Social Development; Ministry for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Sports, Agriculture, and Fisheries; Social Security Board; Training Centres
Grenada: Ministry of Labour; Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Education and Human Resource; Ministry of Social Development; Ministry of National Security, Public Administration, Youth Development, Home Affairs, ICT and Disaster Management; National Training Agency, National Commission for UNESCO, National Insurance Scheme, Training Centres
St. Kitts and Nevis: Ministry of Social Development and Gender Affairs; Ministry of Youth Empowerment; Department of Social Services; Nevis Island Administration