Créditos A local female artisan weaves potholders and other decorative table accessories. ILO/Apex Image 2011
Publicado en Mayo 1, 2020

Social Development: Implementing Protection for People with Disabilities and Older Persons in 2020

The Ministry of Social Development, in partnership with the International Labor Organization, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), and the World Food Program, has secured $ 2.6 million in funding to start providing a platform for social protection for persons with disabilities and the elderly, through the joint program that was presented to the Common Fund for the Sustainable Development Goals. As part of its efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to implement the slogan of leaving no one behind.

The Ministry stated that this program aims to support the efforts of the Palestinian government and the Ministry of Social Development in strengthening the social protection system and measures, and to accelerate the Palestinian national effort in implementing the sustainable development goals, specifically the first goal related to poverty reduction, the second goal related to increasing food security, and the tenth goal related to reducing from inequality, the program prioritizes and focuses on persons with disabilities and the elderly.



In turn, the Minister of Social Development, Ahmed Majdalani, stressed the importance of this program, especially as it helps the Ministry of Development and its partners in strengthening national efforts aimed at realizing the rights of persons with disabilities and the elderly in a manner that guarantees the promotion of social and health care policies and interventions for them.

Majdalani expressed his happiness that Palestine received this support, especially since the competition was intense between the projects that were presented from various countries in the world that amounted to (114) projects, and Palestine was one of the 35 countries that received this support alongside the State of Lebanon, and they are the only two countries that have received support in the MENA region.

He emphasized the ministry's readiness to start implementation in early 2020, especially that the program will continue for two years.

Majdalani thanked the United Nations Resident Representative in Palestine, the International Labor Organization, the World Food Program and UNICEF for their cooperation and support for the efforts of the Ministry.

Original article posted on Sama News in Arabic