Buenos Aires, August 24, 2020 .- The First Lady, Fabiola Yáñez, will chair the Advisory Council of the Program "Early childhood and sustainable development, towards a comprehensive care strategy", of the Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund of the United Nations. The objective of this multisectoral Council - made up of representatives, the State, civil society, academia, the private sector, unions and UN agencies - is to generate initiatives to guarantee the rights of girls and boys during early childhood.
The Joint SDG Fund is an international mechanism created by the United Nations to support sustainable development activities. Its main objective is to convene UN agencies, national governments, academia, civil society and companies to accelerate compliance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UNICEF leads in Argentina the Program "Early childhood and sustainable development, towards a comprehensive care strategy", one of the SDG Fund projects in the country.
Fabiola Yáñez was today appointed president of the Advisory Council of this program.
“We are all aware that the first stage of life is highly significant and is key in the development of the potential and well-being of each person. In those first years of life, many of the conditions that are going to mark the present and the future of the new generations are defined. We understand that policies aimed at creating a comprehensive protection system aimed at the youngest girls and boys, and their families must occupy a privileged place on the governments ' agenda ”.