Through the integrated Family Package social assistance programme, Cambodia rolled out a new cash transfer programme covering 243,376 pregnant women and children under two. More than 14,000 officers in provincial, district and commune institutions were trained on its digitalized cash transfer delivery. Additionally, it is expected that 1.5 million people will be covered by the new national pension schemes that were designed, which apply digital technologies to facilitate registrations, payments, monitoring, and evaluation.

Madagascar is strengthening the capacity of the national social protection system to focus on people living with disabilities and include people in extreme poverty, which represent about 52% of the total population. A package of child-sensitive and gender-transformative cash transfers, agricultural insurance, health protection, gender-based violence response and livelihood services were rolled out and is currently implemented in the communes of interventions each targeting specific vulnerabilities and needs. The JP addresses gender inequalities by spending most of the disbursed funds on gender equality and women’s empowerment. The joint programme contributed to developing a more disability-sensitive social protection system and it was key in mobilizing additional resources for inclusive social protection. As follow-up initiatives, an equal opportunity grant has been designed and it is launched in mid-2022, as well as specific identification tools to enroll children and adults living with disability in social protection programmes minimizing exclusion errors.