Protection sociale intégrée

Leaving No One Behind

87 m
Fund's Investment
124 m
Overall Funding

To Leave No One Behind we have to fast track SDG gains while mainstreaming issues related to human rights, gender, youth, the environment, and people living with disabilities. The Fund’s whole-of-society’ approaches, and its agility and responsiveness, has assumed even greater relevance since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

LNOB Video

Why Integrated policy for SDG acceleration

The investment strategy is based on driving transformation, understood as delivering solutions that accelerate the SDG progress through unlocking systemic policy shift. The focus is on identification and activation of “leverage points” - those policy and/or institutional changes that produce a catalytic “chain-reaction” across sectors and stakeholder groups. The joint programmes aim to spearhead systemic change that yield social impact across the whole spectrum of the SDGs with the spotlight on social groups left behind.

The impact of joint programmes contributes to progress on multiple SDGs, producing catalytic results at scale within reduced timeframes. Given the interdependence of the SDGs, joint programmes facilitate change by working across sectors and silos through an integrated, multidimensional approach that addresses vulnerabilities across the whole life cycle and among priority target groups.

Antonio Guterres

A new era for social protection systems would be a foundation for peaceful societies and other measures to leave no one behind and eradicate extreme poverty. I urge States to accelerate steps to achieve universal social protection coverage, including for the remaining 4 billion people currently unprotected, in line with target 1.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

António Guterres
United Nations Secretary-General
Portfolio Overview

Fund's Investment
$ 69m
Overall Funding
$ 101m

As the strategic instrument for galvanizing SDG acceleration, the Joint SDG Fund invested USD 70 million, and mobilized USD 32 million in co-funding, into a portfolio of 39 countries on integrated policy solutions for social protection to Leave No One Behind (LNOB). The Call for Concept notes was launched in March 2019 and it led to 114 country applications. 35 proposals of the highest quality were developed into full-fledged joint programmes and launched in 2020. 

The portfolio will deliver transformative results at scale by January 2022. It will do this by enabling innovation, local leadership and ownership, and sustained efforts towards transformative results. The urgency of the Decade of Action is echoed in the velocity with which the portfolio will achieve its results - results that  typically require 5 years or more. The joint programmes' theories of change are predicated on the assumption that actions taken at the individual, household and community levels will lead to movements out of poverty by creating a multiplier effect across different SDGs.

The systemic impact of the portfolio manifests in social services, childcare, employment, social cohesion, health care, education and pension systems. The investment prioritizes the most vulnerable and all joint programmes put gender equality and women’s empowerment at the forefront of policy innovation. 

Country Joint Programme Title
South Africa An Integrated and Universal Social Protection Linked to Developmental Social Welfare Services in South Africa
Albania Improving Municipal Social Protection Service Delivery
Argentina Early Childhood and Sustainable Development: Towards a Comprehensive Care System
Bangladesh Enhancing Social Protection for Female Tea Garden Workers and their Families in Sylhet Division, Bangladesh
Barbados and Montserrat Resilient livelihoods and food security through data, digitalization and sectoral linkages
Barbados and Montserrat Integrated Population Data and Policy Solutions to Accelerate SDGs Achievement in Barbados and Montserrat
Brazil Building Better Lives through Integrated Early Childhood Interventions: Investing in the Happy Child Programme to Accelerate the Achievement of SDGs in Brazil
Cambodia Social Protection Floors in Cambodia
Chile Nodo Platform: Improving Social Protection and Inclusion of the Elderly through ICT.
Comoros Accelerating SDG Achievement through digitized, innovative and accessible statistical system in Comoros
Cook Islands Utilising digitalization to accelerate the achievement of SDGs in the Cook Islands
Costa Rica Strengthening of the National Social Protection Strategy Puente al Desarrollo to Break the Cycle of Poverty at the Local Level with a Gender and Environmental Perspective
Ecuador Expanding the Social Protection System for Young Men and Women in the Informal Economy
Gabon Citizenship and Social Protection in Gabon
Georgia Transforming Social Protection for Persons with Disabilities in Georgia
Haiti Supporting the economic resilience and food security of young people and women through social protection
Indonesia Leaving No One Behind: Adaptive Social Protection for All in Indonesia
Jamaica Modernizing the Social Protection System in Jamaica
Kenya A progressive pathway towards a Universal Social Protection System in Kenya to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs
Lebanon Transforming National Dialogue for the Development of an Inclusive National SP System for Lebanon
Madagascar Development of an Integrated Social Protection System for Madagascar, Sensitive to the Needs of People Living with Disabilities
Malawi Social Protection for the SDGs in Malawi: Accelerating Inclusive Progress Towards the SDGs
Maldives Strengthening National and Subnational Capacity for Sustainable Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Maldives
Mauritania Developing an Integrated Social Protection Model in the Region of Guidimakha, Mauritania
Mexico Closing Gaps: Making Social Protection Work for Women in Mexico
Mongolia Extending Social Protection to Herders with Enhanced Shock Responsiveness
Montenegro Activate! Integrated Social Protection and Employment to Accelerate Progress for Young People in Montenegro
Nigeria Institutionalizing Social Protection for Accelerated SDG Implementation in Nigeria
Niue Innovative and Sustainable Policy and Digital Solutions to Catalyse Enhanced Food and Livelihood Security in Niue
Uzbekistan The UN Joint Programme on Strengthening Social Protection in Uzbekistan
Palestine Towards a Universal and Holistic Social Protection Floor for Persons with Disabilities and Older Persons in the State of Palestine
Philippines Ensuring Inclusive and Risk-Informed Shock-Responsive Social Protection Resulting in More Resilient Communities in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Lao PDR Leaving No One Behind: Establishing the Basis for Social Protection Floors in Lao PDR
Republic of Congo Improving the Quality of Life of Indigenous Peoples in the Department of Lékoumou through Improved Access to Social Protection Programmes in the Republic of Congo
Rwanda Accelerating Integrated Policy Interventions to Promote Social Protection in Rwanda
Samoa Building forward better by safeguarding natural capital and ecosystem services
Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau Strengthening Resilience of Pacific Island States Through Universal Social Protection
São Tomé and Príncipe Reaching the Furthest Behind First: A Catalytic Approach to Supporting the Social Protection in Sao Tome & Principe
Somalia Toward a Somali Led Transition to National Social Protection
Suriname Leaving No One Behind, Building Resilience, and Improving Livelihoods of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (ITPs) in Suriname
Tanzania Strengthening the Social Protection System in Tanzania
Thailand Accelerating Progress Towards an Integrated and Modernized Social Protection System for all in Thailand
Timor-Leste Strengthening National Food Systems and Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction
Tokelau Accelerating SDG Achievement in Tokelau through integrated policy solutions
Turkmenistan Improving the System of Social Protection through the Introduction of Inclusive Quality Community-Based Social Services
Vietnam Accelerating Vietnam’s Transition Toward Inclusive and Integrated Social Protection
Portfolio Overview


Fund's Investment
$ 18m
Overall Funding
$ 23m

The Joint SDG Fund is about to invest US$ 18 million and mobilize US$ 5 million in co-funding for 27 Small Island Developing States (SIDS) on integrated policy solutions to ensure no-one is left behind. The broader call for concept notes for SIDS was launched in June 2021, attracting 18 proposals that will be launched in 2022.

The joint SIDS programmes to ensure no one is left behind will contribute to SDG acceleration while addressing vulnerabilities and resilience specific to this particular group of countries. They will produce an impact across a wide spectrum of policy areas, including social protection, SDG data and statistical systems, food security and agri-businesses, digitization, disaster management and community resilience. SIDS mainstream gender across all targeted vulnerable groups by scoring high on the gender marker, which ensures that all joint programmes focus on gender-sensitive and gender-transformative solutions.



COVID-19 increased the salience of social protection for the most vulnerable. For this reason, the Fund to provided an opportunity for re-purposing 20% of programme budgets to adapt and respond to the pandemic. The priority was to support the most vulnerable, build back better, and contribute to SDG acceleration by:

  • Designing and institutionalizing comprehensive social protection systems that mainstream human rights to address inequalities, vulnerabilities, and systemic poverty;
  • Making social protection systems more adaptive and resilient in preparation for future shocks due to pandemics, natural disasters or climate change;
  • Facilitating innovation that “break down the silos” and produce coherent, just and sustainable policy outcomes.


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Main Contacts
Lisa Kurbiel
Head of Secretariat
Nenad Rava
Head of Programmes