Guljahan Gochova

Published on November 15, 2021

Would you like to learn what social work specialists do in Turkmenistan to improve social service provision system of the country?

Mergen Sahetliyev of the city of Ashgabat and his other colleagues from 20 pilot districts throughout the country are making a real difference to families and children by working for or cooperation with 12 new community-based social services provided to different groups of vulnerable people all over the country.

Published on November 12, 2021

In Turkmenistan, social services for and coordinated by people with disabilities

Guljahan Tanalova has her hands full. She is raising a son alone, and she is coordinator of a new project providing social services for people with disabilities in the city of Ashgabat, in Turkmenistan. She herself has a disability resulting from a musculoskeletal disorder. It makes for a full life, and she is dedicated to her work.

“I would spend my last savings for a taxi to never miss a seminar or training I was invited to,” Tanalova says. Her project is part of a public association called Yenme.

Published on June 10, 2021

A pair of wings to fly

When you don’t see any toys around the house a four-year old boy lives in, you might think what does he plays with.

But Rahat (name changed) knows what to play with, he finds a strong stick that serves as a knightly horse and probably he would also have a long wooden sward to protect his small house where he lives with his five siblings and dad. Sky’s the limit for his creative innovations.

Published on June 10, 2021

Social work specialists mobilize local resources to help children in need

On International Children's Day, June 1, 2021, social work specialists in Balkanabat city organized a celebration for children in need and their families.

The event that gathered around 150 children with their families was organized by Myrat Gylychmammedov and Orazmuhammed Rejeptaganov, social work specialists of the Balkanabat city. “Balkanenergo” Production Association provided a venue for the event and local music and art groups, responding to the invitation of social work specialists, volunteered to entertain children with their performance and games.


Published on March 31, 2021

Strengthening social workforce capacity in Turkmenistan

“Good social work carries unique, professional, and humanistic qualities [of social service workforce] in all its aspects: knowledge, skills and relations,” notes head of the training team who supports the UN-Turkmenistan Joint Programme on community-based social services.

Published on December 8, 2020

Discovering a new helping profession – a specialists of social work

In her previous job at a local bank, one of Mahri Rejepova’s responsibilities was to provide support to people who were struggling with banking.

She remembered how she used to keep a glass for water and a chair next to her table for the elderly people to whom she provided assistance, in order to comfort them with their problems.


“Being overwhelmed with their concerns, these people would sometimes be aggressive, and they would not accept any advice until they calm down” recalls Mahri.


Social Protection
Published on June 9, 2020

Hopes of Lachyn

One could easily observe Lachyn’s high spirit from her delighted smile when she entered the room on a wheelchair. Her purposeful, optimistic, and steadfast look.


Photo | UN Turkmenistan