Economic and Social Impact Assessment of COVID-19 and War in Ukraine on Cambodia

While the country’s economy started showing signs of rebound after two years of Covid-19 pandemic, the new global crisis triggered by the War in Ukraine brought a new series of uncertainties and socio-economic vulnerabilities for many countries in the world. Cambodia is no exception, due to the indirect impacts on fuel, food, and commodity prices. The 2022 combined Economic and Social Impacts of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine were assessed with the General Department of Policy of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in view of providing needed information and insights to support the Royal Government of Cambodia in designing policy responses to minimize the impacts of the crises and support a socio-economic recovery that is inclusive and sustainable. The analysis deploys dynamic Computable General Equilibrium (DCGE) modelling methodology and provides an updated socio-economic outlook of Cambodia considering the impact of rising fuel, food and commodity prices and global economic slowdown.