A Gender Responsive and Multi-Dimensional Socio-Economic and Climate-Based Vulnerability Analysis of the Saint Lucia Survey of Living Conditions and Household Budgets 2016

The analysis focuses on the degree of diversity in population, economic growth, poverty rates, as well as gender and human development indicators, labour-force participation, the informal economy, female-head households, older women, widows, women’s health, gender-based violence and vulnerable social groups (e.g., people living with disabilities and survivors of gender-based violence) who are largely excluded or ignored by social protection programmes and policies.
Further, it outlines the types of socio-economic and climate-based vulnerabilities and explores the extent to which national social protection systems may incorporate a gender-responsive approach in policy reform, program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The key dimensions of gender-responsive socio-economic and climate-based vulnerabilities covered in the analysis are realising human rights, as well as addressing economic and social risks and climate-based vulnerabilities.
The report concludes by presenting key findings from a gender responsive socio-economic and climate change risk analysis and identifying a way forward with specific recommendations for promoting gender-responsive adaptive social protection through legislation, policies and programmes in Saint Lucia. These entry points are informed by an analysis of key features of vulnerability, as well as examples of innovative and effective practices to meet the country’s needs and for supporting the Government of Saint Lucia in building shock-responsive social protection efforts.