Social Protection for the SDGs in Malawi: Accelerating Inclusive Progress Towards the SDGs
Brief description of the programme
This Joint Programme (JP) aims to support the Government of Malawi (GoM) to adapt the national social protection system to meet emergency food needs and reduce the vulnerability of those most at risk of food insecurity by 2022, while strengthening the social protection system for all vulnerable households across the lifecycle. The programme combines advancing an innovative Shock-Sensitive Social Protection (SSSP) prototype with reinforced financial structures and the transformation of existing policies into legal frameworks to enhance the social protection system to be more robust, comprehensive, and sustainable, leaving no one behind.
The JP leverages the expertise of three implementing UN agencies to accomplish its targets. UNICEF, WFP, and ILO have in-country and regional expertise in providing direct social protection system implementation and technical assistance, including SSSP, financing, systems strengthening, and policy development. Together, the three UN agencies are well placed to support the advancement of national strategies and policy frameworks in Malawi.
To ensure integration into existing frameworks, the three JP components are aligned to the pillars of the Malawi National Social Support Programme II 2018-2023 (MNSSP II), catalysing progress in support of the GoM’s vision on social protection. Furthermore, the programme directly contributes to the 2019-2023 United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), and ensures links to ongoing social protection activities within PROSPER (a DFID-funded SSSP Joint UN Programme focused on resilience building) and the Inclusive Growth, Social Protection, and Jobs Programme (funded by Irish Aid).
For long term sustainability, the JP leverages and strengthens the existing social protection MNSSP steering and technical committees and working groups. Internal UN coordination is led by the Resident Coordinator, with WFP as the convening agency. Daily operational and programmatic coordination is managed by the Joint Coordination Unit, consisting of members from each participating UN agency and the Resident Coordinator’s Office.
Target groups
Women, children, persons with disabilities, older persons, workers.
Quick facts
UN Agencies:
National Partners:
Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, and Development; Department of Disaster Management Affairs; Ministry of Population Planning and Social Welfare; Malawian Parliament
Financial Information